The Penn State Alumni Association

What’s been happening:

Since graduation, I spent 30 years with IBM Corporation as an internal auditor and special events director. In 1971, Joe Paterno came to Harrisburg to speak to us at an IBM event about teamwork. He was excellent. The bulk of my auditing career was spent traveling to IBM locations all over the United States and Canada while enjoying residences in New Jersey, New York, Connecticut and Georgia. I retired to North Carolina where I have Involved myself in politics to keep the old auditor's blood boiling. My favorite memories of Penn State include the campus itself when it was still rural looking, filled with trees, diverse architecture, and great lawns of green grass. I especially hold good memories of the WDFM campus radio station where I enjoyed my work as chief announcer, and of Schwab Auditorium where I acted, directed, and worked backstage in various theater productions with the Penn State Thespians. Thanks for this opportunity to remember and share the many experiences which Penn State provided to me, and which served me well in my work and life.